Helius Sunlink PV, a pioneering manufacturer of photovoltaic modules, is on BloombergNEF’s Tier 1 ranking of 2025 Q1. This milestone reaffirms the company’s commitment to establishing itself as one of the leading solar panel manufacturers in the global market. “Being included in BloombergNEF’s Tier 1 ranking is a recognition of the work we have been
With a growing presence in the global market, especially in Europe and China, HJT (Heterojunction Technology) represents the cutting edge of bifacial technology. With an extremely stable temperature coefficient (-0.24%/°C), Helius brings the HELIUS Hyperion 700W module to the global market, with a lower degradation rate, and maintains energy generation close to 88.27%, even after

Photovoltaic Modules: Is It All the Same?

Learn about some key features to consider when choosing and purchasing a photovoltaic module. With the fast growth of solar energy in Brazil, the photovoltaic module market has expanded, bringing a wide variety of products to the country. Each product comes with its own specificities in terms of technology, manufacturing processes, or raw materials. In
Helius Sunlink PV, a manufacturer founded on the pillars of responsibility, quality, and transparency, has increasingly gained recognition in photovoltaic module production. Since the foundation in 2004, the company has been producing the cells used in its modules in-house. On this topic, the company’s Country Manager, Eduard Krummenauer, states that “complete control over the production
Evolution of Photovoltaic: In August 2024, Helius Sunlink PV, a pioneer in solar panel manufacturing, celebrated 20 years of history supplying photovoltaic modules to the global market.Since its foundation in 2004, the company has focused on developing high-efficiency, high-quality products, continuously researching and improving technologies that have progressively increased the power and efficiency of its
Solar energy has been gaining space in Brazil’s energy matrix, contributing to a global trend, that predicts solar energy will become the world’s largest energy source by 2027. According to data released by the Brazilian Solar Photovoltaic Energy Association, by the end of 2024, Brazil is expected to rank 8th globally in terms of installed
With factories and offices spread across more than nine countries around the world and solutions available in over 100, Helius Sunlink PV brings to Brazil the innovations in the sector directly from its internal R&D and from the Snec and Intersolar Europe events. Recently, Helius Sunlink PV released the Zero Busbar technology in Brazil, and
Continuing its expansion in the Global solar energy market, photovoltaic module manufacturer Helius Sunlink PV has announced the launch of the HELIUS Genesis 615W ZBB panels with zero busbar technology. According to the manufacturer, market demands has guided the R&D (Research and Development) team in developing new products that meet local needs and launching new
helius energy topcon


TOPCon solar cells are on their way to fully compete with PERC solar products, according to recent research from Germany’s Fraunhofer ISE. Efficiency gains for the TOPCon concept, however, are necessary to help it capture more market share, as production costs remain higher than those for PERC tech. A series of cost-driven strategies to make
Autor: Henrique Hein Conheça a aplicação que dá oportunidade para empresários gerarem valor aos seus clientes e reduzirem seus custos com energia O carport – abrigos para veículos cobertos por painéis solares – estão cada vez mais em alta em diversos segmentos do mercado de energia solar, como hipermercados, shoppings, centros comerciais, faculdades e condomínios
redução potência inversores
Este é o problema mais relatado nos serviços de suporte técnico dos inversores. Os inversores fotovoltaicos possuem cada vez mais tecnologias embarcadas e facilidades de monitoramento e detecção de problemas, com diversos tipos de alertas para cada possível anomalia identificada. Com isso, suas indicações facilitam a análise por parte dos técnicos responsáveis pela correção do problema.
Visando ampliar a Eficiência energética dos módulos fotovoltaicos, os fabricantes estão cada vez mais buscando o aumento da relação entre tamanho da célula/módulo e geração de energia.  Aos poucos as empresas vão se adaptando às novas células, afinal, mudando o tamanho da célula, mudam também algumas etapas do processo de fabricação, bem como as especificações